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PNAS 27. 5. 2014

PNAS 27. 5. 2014

PNAS: YY1 is indispensable for Lgr5+ intestinal stem cell renewal

"The intestinal stem cell fuels the highest rate of tissue turnover in the body and has been implicated in intestinal disease and cancer; understanding the regulatory mechanisms controlling intestinal stem cell physiology is of great importance. Here, we provide evidence that the transcription factor YY1 is essential for intestinal stem cell renewal. We observe that YY1 loss skews normal homeostatic cell turnover, with an increase in proliferating crypt cells and a decrease in their differentiated villous progeny. Increased crypt cell numbers come at the expense of Lgr5+ stem cells. On YY1 deletion, Lgr5+ cells accelerate their commitment to the differentiated population, exhibit increased levels of apoptosis, and fail to maintain stem cell renewal. Loss of Yy1 in the intestine is ultimately fatal. Mechanistically, YY1 seems to play a role in stem cell energy metabolism, with mitochondrial complex I genes bound directly by YY1 and their transcript levels decreasing on YY1 loss. These unappreciated YY1 functions broaden our understanding of metabolic regulation in intestinal stem cell homeostasis."



NATURE: Health care: Bring microbial sequencing to hospitals

"A patient goes to her doctor with fever, cough and night sweats. Rapid tests confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis and hint at multidrug resistance. But to suggest the optimum drug combination, as many as eight weeks of laboratory testing are required — a timescale dictated by the slow growth rate of the pathogen (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). In the meantime, the doctor must make an educated guess about which medicines to prescribe, increasing the risk of ineffective treatment and spread of infection. (...)"
