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NATURE: 27. 7. - 2. 8. 2012

NATURE: 27. 7. - 2. 8. 2012

The week in science: Nine physicists net $3 million each in new prize; India curbs tiger tourism; and Uganda suffers an outbreak of ebolavirus

Cancer stem cells tracked

"The master builders that underlie tumour growth may inform treatment strategies."

"Cancer researchers can sequence tumour cells’ genomes, scan them for strange gene activity, profile their contents for telltale proteins and study their growth in laboratory dishes. What they have not been able to do is track errant cells doing what is more relevant to patients: forming tumours. Now three groups studying tumours in mice have done exactly that. Their results support the ideas that a small subset of cells drives tumour growth and that curing cancer may require those cells to be eliminated."


FDA’s claims over stem cells upheld

"Drug watchdog wins right to regulate controversial therapies."

"A court decision on 23 July could help to tame the largely unregulated field of adult stem-cell treatments. The US District Court in Washington DC affirmed the right of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate therapies made from a patient’s own processed stem cells. The case hinged on whether the court agreed with the FDA that such stem cells are drugs."
