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NATURE: 27. 6. 2013

NATURE: 27. 6. 2013

NATURE: Neuroscience: Stem cells in multiple time zones

"In fruitfly larvae, neural stem cells generate different cell types at different times. It emerges that these temporal progressions are controlled by multiple cascades of gene transcription factors."



NATURE: Stem cells: Bad seeds

"Deep within the spongy marrow that fills large bones lie cells that give rise to all the body's blood cells. These primitive cells, called haematopoietic stem cells, have the unique ability to divide indefinitely, making them essentially immortal."



NATURE: Genetics: Written in blood

"In 1959, David Hungerford of the Fox Chase Cancer Center and Peter Nowell from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine discovered that blood cells taken from two people with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) had a striking abnormality when viewed under the microscope: chromosome 22 in these cells had a big chunk missing."
