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NATURE 23.1.2014

NATURE 23.1.2014


Sexually dimorphic mammalian tissues, including sexual organs and the brain, contain stem cells that are directly or indirectly regulated by sex hormones1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. An important question is whether stem cells also exhibit sex differences in physiological function and hormonal regulation in tissues that do not show sex-specific morphological differences. The terminal differentiation and function of some haematopoietic cells are regulated by sex hormones7, 8, 9, 10, but haematopoietic stem-cell function is thought to be similar in both sexes. Here we show that mouse haematopoietic stem cells exhibit sex differences in cell-cycle regulation by oestrogen. Haematopoietic stem cells in female mice divide significantly more frequently than in male mice. This difference depends on the ovaries but not the testes. Administration of oestradiol, a hormone produced mainly in the ovaries, increased haematopoietic stem-cell division in males and females. Oestrogen levels increased during pregnancy, increasing haematopoietic stem-cell division, haematopoietic stem-cell frequency, cellularity, and erythropoiesis in the spleen. Haematopoietic stem cells expressed high levels of oestrogen receptor-α (ERα). Conditional deletion of ERα from haematopoietic stem cells reduced haematopoietic stem-cell division in female, but not male, mice and attenuated the increases in haematopoietic stem-cell division, haematopoietic stem-cell frequency, and erythropoiesis during pregnancy. Oestrogen/ERα signalling promotes haematopoietic stem-cell self-renewal, expanding splenic haematopoietic stem cells and erythropoiesis during pregnancy.



blood: Thrombopoietin promotes NHEJ DNA repair in hematopoietic stem cells through specific activation of Erk and NF-κB pathways and their target, IEX-1

Loss of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function and increased risk of developing hematopoietic malignancies are severe and concerning complications of anticancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We have previously shown that thrombopoietin (TPO), a critical HSC regulator, ensures HSC chromosomal integrity and function in response to γ-irradiation by regulating their DNA-damage response. TPO directly affects the double-strand break (DSB) repair machinery through increased DNA-protein kinase (DNA-PK) phosphorylation and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair efficiency and fidelity. This effect is not shared by other HSC growth factors, suggesting that TPO triggers a specific signal in HSCs facilitating DNA-PK activation upon DNA damage. The discovery of these unique signaling pathways will provide a means of enhancing TPO-desirable effects on HSCs and improving the safety of anticancer DNA agents. We show here that TPO specifically triggers Erk and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathways in mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Both of these pathways are required for a TPO-mediated increase in DSB repair. They cooperate to induce and activate the early stress-response gene, Iex-1 (ier3), upon DNA damage. Iex-1 forms a complex with pERK and the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK, which is necessary and sufficient to promote TPO-increased DNA-PK activation and NHEJ DSB repair in both mouse and human HSPCs.
